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Transparency, Accountability and Passion     
                                                                      The meaning of Real Love 
We came to TAP TEAM for refreshing at a time when we were in a desert place. Openly and honestly, Herb and Janice shared their experiences. They encouraged us to be transparent, accountable and passionate about one another and our marriage. The time we spent with TAP TEAM was light and easy. We were given instructions to take home and implement in our relationship. We felt their prayers as our broken pieces were miraculously put back together. We are unable to describe the transformation that our relationship took after TAP TEAM sowed in our marriage. We are eternally grateful and thankful for their support.

Five years ago I was this man that continued to go into a cycle that constantly didn’t get me anywhere. I was in a state of flux, spinning my wheels as the time ticked away. Constantly in a relationship that did not get me anywhere and when relationships ended I continued to do the same things in the next. Nothing changed about me or the relationships I chose. All I did was making it harder for the next person that came into my life. I was unhappy, financially drained and overall dissatisfied with how things were going. I knew I wanted someone special in my life but just did not know how to choose, ask the right questions, and listen to the warning signs. All the red flags I tried to ignore and put in the background instead of bringing it to the foreground. 

Where am I today? I’m in a loving relationship. I found a woman that I can trust, a woman that gives, a genuine real woman. For years I have picked up stones along the way and tried to polish them, when I really should have looked for the diamond that did not need any polishing. Where did I find this woman, five blocks from my home? 

I now live by three works Transparency, Accountability & Passion. The TAP team gave me the foundation to do what I do today. My new relationship is flouring and it’s endless. It has a bright future that we can both write together. It doesn’t cost any money to make a women feel special as long as you know how to love a women. The TAP Team has taught me to love myself that I am worth and deserving of love. This gives me room to love someone else. I just needed to make the right choice and I did. 

The information I put in to practice from Herb and Jan, is what I claim to be today: A better son, a better brother, a better friend, a better father, a better step-father, and the best MAN I can possibly be!